Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Taborgrass Spring Workshops - REGISTRATION IS OPEN!


Our Spring Workshops will be an entire weekend filled with workshops, jams, an open mic, performances and a band coaching program. The Taborgrass faculty will include: Patrick Connell, Chuck Holloway, Kaden Hurst, Crystal Lariza, Lillian Sawyer, Zoe Schlussel, and Joe Suskind. Hope you will join us!

Click here for all the details!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Thank You Taborgrassers!

What a day it was yesterday for the Taborgrass community at the Taborgrass Winter Workshops!

Sending out a big heart-felt thank you to everyone who supported us, purchased tickets, donated to Taborgrass, attended the workshops, participated in the open mic, stayed for Portland Radio Ponies show, and showed us how the bluegrass community is still very much thriving. It was a full house most of the day and so we thank you for your patience as well. It was so wonderful to see everyone singing, playing music, and being together. 

Thank you to all the Taborgrass teachers, performers, and volunteers for all of your hard work and support to make this event happen!

Thank you Stacey at Chick Rose’s School of Bluegrass for coming to help spread the love of bluegrass to the next generation. Check out their Facebook page to stay updated on future jams and events.

Thank you everyone at Artichoke Music for generously hosting us. Please be sure to check out their website to find out about more future music classes and events.

Thank you again and stay tuned for future Taborgrass events!

-Kaden, Patrick and Linda S.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Taborgrass Winter Workshops --- SOLD OUT!

We've been hard at work planning a day filled with music education, jamming, and a place to build community for you!


When: Saturday, February 3rd, 2024


-Day pass: SOLD OUT! $30 at the door for access to all workshops, open jam, open mic, and evening performance. Programs are for adults and youth (under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult).

-Evening ticket: SOLD OUT! $10 at the door for open mic and Portland Radio Ponies performance.

-Kids ages 6-14 years old: Chick's kids registration has closed. Free between 11-1:30pm for kids participating in the Chick's Kids program. 


Main Stage at Cafe

Front Classroom

Back Classroom


Chick’s Kids


Taborgrass Workshop Check-In

Chick’s Kids



Harmony Singing with Crystal Lariza and Kaden Hurst


Open Bluegrass Jam hosted by the Portland Radio Ponies


Taking a Fiddle Break on a Banjo Tune with Lillian Sawyer


Bluegrass Jamming 101/102 with Patrick Connell and Kaden Hurst


Banjo Kick-Offs with Chuck Holloway



Room is open! Come and jam here to your heart’s content!


Old Time for Bluegrass Musicians with Kaden Hurst and Lillian Sawyer


Unlocking your Guitar Voice with Joe Suskind


Open Mic

(Dinner break on your own)


Portland Radio Ponies performance

Workshop Descriptions: 

Open Bluegrass Jam with hosted by the Portland Radio Ponies: Open jam hosted by the Taborgrass instructors. All levels welcome! 

Harmony Singing with Kaden Hurst and Crystal Lariza: The nuts and bolts of three part harmony! Learn how to find notes, blend with others, and not go crazy trying. Kaden and Crystal are both members of the band Never Come Down.

Taking a Fiddle Break with a Banjo Tune with Lillian Sawyer: Using the Earl Scruggs tune Fireball Mail, Lillian will demonstrate how to take a solo on a banjo instrumental. She’ll start out by teaching the tune in its most basic form and then illustrate when and how to embellish the tune to make it more appropriate for the fiddle. Lillian is a member of the band Fog Holler.

Bluegrass Jamming 101/102 with Patrick Connell and Kaden Hurst: Come jam! This is a workshop for beginner to intermediate bluegrass jammers, where we'll talk about etiquette, troubleshoot sticky situations, and have a grand ol’ time. Patrick is a member of the band Thunder Ridge. Kaden is a member of the band Never Come Down.

Banjo Kick-Offs with Chuck "Chainsaw" Holloway: Chuck has been playing bluegrass music for the past 5 decades and also is one of the hosts on KBOO's "Music from the True Vine" bluegrass radio show. He is a member of the band Thunder Ridge.


Unlocking Your Guitar Voice with Joe Suskind: Unlock ideas, identify resistance in your playing, and remove blocks through exploration of right hand techniques. Joe is a member of the band Never Come Down.

Old Time for Bluegrass Musicians with Kaden Hurst and Lillian Sawyer: Old time! Traditional music from the Southeast and Appalachia. It's the headwaters for much of what became bluegrass, but comes with its own style, techniques, and jamming culture. Come learn about how bluegrass and old time are different, how your instrument fits into an old time jam, and play some tunes old time style.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Taborgrass Winter Workshops Coming Soon!

Taborgrass presents: a day filled with bluegrass and old-time workshops, jams, an open-mic and performances. For all ages and skill levels, hosted by musicians at the heart of Portland’s bluegrass scene. There will be bluegrass/old time workshops for adults. There will also be a program for kids hosted by Chick’s Kids, a program for kids (6-14 years old) of all experience levels and feature an opportunity to perform on the main stage. The day will be capped off with a performance from the Portland Radio Ponies and Taborgrass instructors.

Workshops will be taught by Brian Alley, Kaden Hurst, Crystal Lariza, and Joe Suskind (from Never Come Down), Patrick Connell (from Thunder Ridge) and Lillian Sawyer (from Fog Holler).

Please mark your calendars --- stay tuned for more details coming soon!