Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
Class Assignments for Saturday, January 5th
Liberty, Angel Band
Second Year Class:
Clinch Mountain Backstep, Lamp Lighting Time In The Valley
Remember: No Taborgrass on December 22nd and December 29th. Happy Holidays everyone!!
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Taborgrass Christmas Party This Saturday, December 15th!
Hope to see you here!!
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Monday, December 10, 2018
Class Assignments for December 15, 2018
Liberty, Angel Band
Second Year Class:
Head Over Heels, Clinch Mountain Backstep
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Friday, December 7, 2018
Taborgrass Mandolin Workshop with Kaden Hurst This Sunday December 9th!
Also a chance to check out this exciting new venue Strum Guitar. They have a great selection of guitars and amps and serve beer and wine.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Taborgrass Open Mic This Thursday, December 6th
It’s all great fun and hope to see you there. We ask for a $10 donation for performers, and a $5 donation for pizza. Bring your own beer. Remember, no food in the Sanctuary, but drinks are OK.
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Class Assignments for December 8, 2018
Liberty, Angel Band
Second Year Class:
Clinch Mountain Backstep, Bluebirds Are Singing For Me, Lamp Lighting Time In The Valley
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Monday, November 26, 2018
Class Assignments for December 1, 2018
Liberty, Angel Band in G
Second Year Class:
Bluebirds Are Singing For Me in G, Lamp Lighting Time In The Valley in C
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Monday, November 19, 2018
Class Assignments for November 24, 2018
Old Joe Clark, I'll Fly Away
Second Year Class:
I Am A Poor Wayfarin' Stranger (Key: A minor), Clinch Mountain Backstep
Song of the Week
Lamp Lighting Time In The Valley (Key: C)
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Taborgrass Intermediate Session at Strum Guitar this Sunday!

More in depth discussion on how to improve your jamming skills.

Come join us, and check out the new venue.

Monday, November 12, 2018
Class Assignments for November 17, 2018
Old Joe Clark, I'll Fly Away
Second Year Class:
I Am A Poor Wayfarin' Stranger, Clinch Mountain Backstep
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Times and Locations for November 10, 2018
Everyone meets in the Sanctuary at 10am.
First Year Class:
10am to 11:30am Sanctuary
11:30am to 1pm Sanctuary, Hyde Hall and Office
Second Year Classes:
10am to 11:30am Fellowship Hall and Hyde Hall
11:30am to 1pm Fellowship Hall, East and West Classrooms
Open Jams:
10am to 11:30am West and East Classrooms, Office
11:30am to 1pm Entry Hall (Foyer)
Study Group (4 persons max):
10am to 11:30am Bell Tower
11:30am to 1pm Bell Tower
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Class Assignments for Saturday, November 10th
Old Joe Clark, I'll Fly Away
Second Year Class:
White Dove in the key of D
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Monday, November 5, 2018
Two Thumbs Up!
Greg says “two thumbs up!” Thanks to our wonderful new location at Waverly, and thank you to our wonderful volunteers, and to all of you who make it happen.
Happy Pickin!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Taborgrass Open Mic This Thursday, November 1st!
This should be exciting. Pizza and jamming starts 6:30pm. $5 per serving of pizza.
Performances start at 7pm, asking $10 donation.
BYOB and remember no food in the Sanctuary.
This is a great way to get your feet wet on stage, (not literally) and play in front of a sound system and audience.
Bring your songs, poems, stories, dances. All are welcome! Hope to see you here!
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Monday, October 29, 2018
Class Assignments for Saturday, November 3rd
Soldier’s Joy, Bury Me Beneath the Willow
Second Year Class:
Head Over Heels in key of E, Blackberry Blossom
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Taborgrass Halloween Party and Costume Contest this Saturday October 27th!
You are invited to display a bluegrass related theme with your costume.
Hope to see you here!
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Class Assignments for Saturday October 27th
Soldier’s Joy, Bury Me Beneath the Willow
Second Year Class:
Head Over Heels in key of E, Blackberry Blossom
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Friday, October 19, 2018
Times and Locations for Saturday, October 20th
First Year Class:
10am to 11:30am Sanctuary
11:30am to 1pm Sanctuary, Hyde Hall and Office
Second Year Classes:
10am to 11:30am Fellowship Hall and Hyde Hall
11:30am to 1pm Fellowship Hall, East and West Classrooms
Open Jams:
10am to 11:30am West and East Classrooms, Office
11:30am to 1pm Entry Hall (Foyer)
Study Group (4 persons max):
10am to 11:30am Bell Tower
11:30am to 1pm Bell Tower
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Monday, October 15, 2018
Class Assignments for Saturday October 20th
Boil Them Cabbage Down, You Are My Sunshine, Cripple Creek, Will The Circle Be Unbroken, Soldier’s Joy, Bury Me Beneath The Willow
Second Year Class:
Whiskey Before Breakfast, Old Home Place, Blackberry Blossom, Meet Me By The Moonlight
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Times and Locations for Saturday, October 13th
First Year Class:
10am to 11:30am Sanctuary
11:30am to 1pm Sanctuary
Second Year Classes:
10am to 11:30am Fellowship Hall and Hyde Hall
11:30am to 1pm Fellowship Hall, Hyde Hall and West Classroom
Open Jams:
10am to 11:30am West Classroom, Office
11:30am to 1pm East Classroom, Office
Study Group (4 persons max):
10am to 11:30am Bell Tower
11:30am to 1pm Bell Tower
Waverly UCC
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland OR
Monday, October 8, 2018
Class Assignments for Saturday, October 13, 2018
Boil Them Cabbage Down, You Are My Sunshine, Cripple Creek, Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Second Year Class:
Whiskey Before Breakfast, Old Home Place
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Need Volunteers to Set Up Tables and Chairs this Saturday!
Waverly UCC at 3300 SE Woodward Street, Portland OR - https://goo.gl/maps/S8j3PT2F4iP
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Taborgrass starts up this coming Saturday, October 6th in our NEW LOCATION
Waverly UCC at 3300 SE Woodward Street, Portland OR - https://goo.gl/maps/S8j3PT2F4iP2
Monday, September 24, 2018
Changes at Taborgrass: New location! Classes start Saturday, October 6th
IMPORTANT: Please enter the Waverly UCC through the front door ONLY. There you will be able to pay your admission and students can pick up the following week’s assignment at the handout table in the Sanctuary before finding your place in the building.
Admission: $15 for classes. Suggested $5 donation if you are just jamming
First Year Class: No changes in format
Second Year Class: Start at 10am. Conducted by Linda Leavitt and Kaden Hurst in two large circles in separate rooms. Repertoire the same, still Taborgrass order.
Open Jams: Rooms for musicians who are not attending classes and are there just to jam.
Taborgrass Open Mic: First THURSDAYS starting November 1st at Waverly UCC.
Sessions and Workshops: No longer held during Saturday classes. They will be held at Strum Guitars - 1415 SE Stark St #C, Portland, OR 97214 - https://goo.gl/maps/Y2bWztFUuAT2. Dates, session leaders, and topics to be announced – stay tuned!
Handouts will include assignments for the following week. Those assignments will also be posted on the taborgrass.com website.
I want to encourage all Taborgrass alumni to be in attendance at 10am on our first day to check out Waverly UCC and meet the pastor, Sara Rosenau.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, October 6th at 10am.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Taborgrass Second Year Student Assignments for October 6th
Second Year Students: Start practicing Whiskey Before Breakfast and Old Home Place in G for the October 6th class. Here's a complete list of the songs and tunes we'll be working with. The numbers next to each title are to help you set your metronomes:
- Whiskey Before Breakfast (new) 72/84
- Old Home Place (new) 132
- Cherokee Shuffle 104/112
- Long Journey Home
- St. Anne’s Reel 104/112
- Nine Pound Hammer
First Year Students: I will have music handouts for you on the first day of class. Please bring a music stand if you have one.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
SOUP AND SONG CONTEST at TYGH VALLEY FESTIVAL Saturday Evening September 29th 4:30p to 6:30p
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Taborgrass Songs and Tunes for 2018-19 Season
This PDF is also available on our Music page.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on October 6th!
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Shoegrass at Waverly, Sunday, September 16th at 4pm!
This is a great opportunity to check out our new home, meet some of the
staff, and support one of our alumni bands. This one hour long concert will
showcase groups from all the music programs at Waverly UCC. Concert is
free. Hope to see you there! Waverly UCC, 3300 SE Woodward St. Portland.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Taborgrass Open Mic at Leif and Aileen Halvorson’s House, Friday, September 14th at 7pm.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Timberline Lodge Mountain Music Festival, Labor Day, September 3rd
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Taborgrass Fall Classes Starting Soon! Jammers Welcome!
Class admission is $15, but we encourage all Taborgrassers - of all skill levels - to come and jam! We have plenty of room for jams in our new location. If you're coming only to jam, we ask for a $5 donation to help cover expenses.
Remember that we have a new home this year:
Waverly UCC
Corner of Southeast 33rd and SE Woodward
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland, OR 97202
Sunday, August 19, 2018
String Along Acoustic Jam on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month
What type of music: Any basic American Traditional music…(Basic chord progressions).
When: 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at the Happy Valley Library, just off Sunnyside Road
2PM to 5PM.
Happy Valley Library
13793 SE Sieben Park Way
Happy Valley, OR 97015
(503) 783-3456
Monday, August 13, 2018
Attention Banjo Players: Start working on your right hand technique now!
Now is a great time to be working on your right hand technique. Please download "Picking Exercises for Banjo" from our Music page and use it as a practice guide to prepare for our fall classes.
If you need assistance with these basic exercises, contact Greg Stone for a free private lesson to help get you started.
A reminder to all Taborgrassers:
Fall classes start October 6, 2018 and go from 10AM to 1PM. Class admission is $15. If you're coming only to jam, we ask for a $5 donation.
We have a new home this year too:
Waverly UCC
Corner of Southeast 33rd and SE Woodward
3300 SE Woodward Street
Portland, OR 97202
Monday, July 23, 2018
GorgeGrass this Weekend!
This is the largest festival of the year in this area. Lots of national acts on the big stage, a beer garden, a dance hall, workshops, food and instrument vendors.
The view of the gorge from this location in the fairgrounds is spectacular - plus there is a sizable pond for canoeing or kayaking.
Reservations for big RVs and camping need to be made well in advance. It's windy folks. Stake all your stuff down, including the kids and dogs. My 10X10 canopy was half way to Idaho before I caught up to it a few years back.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Use Your Metronome!
Make yourself accountable when there is just you at practice time.
I’ve added new worksheets to our Music page, called Taborgrass: Use Your Metronome and Taborgrass Speed Sheet, so you can record your own times and gradually increase your playing speed.
Have fun!
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Join Mountain Honey at Strum Fest August 12th!
Friday, June 29, 2018
Taborgrass has a new home! Fall classes start Saturday, October 6th
Waverly UCC
Corner of Southeast 33rd and SE Woodward
3300 Woodward Street
Portland, OR 97202
Fall classes start October 6, 2018 and will go from 10AM to 1PM
Stay tuned for more important announcements about some changes we are making to how the classes will be conducted going forward. We think everyone is going to love the new location and the revised schedule!
Monday, June 25, 2018
Banjo Master Class with Danny Barnes
Come join banjo-extrodinaire, Danny Barnes, 2015 recipient of the 6th annual Steve Martin Prize for Excellence in Banjo and Bluegrass, for a 2-hour-long banjo-masterclass. Anyone with a basic understanding of the banjo, both clawhammer and bluegrass, can join Danny for this workshop in bringing their skill to the next level. This is an opportunity for the student to bring any banjo-related questions they might have, as well as learning a new tune, obtaining new roll-pattern exercises, and learn some new accompaniment techniques.
Dates: Sunday, July 1
Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Cost: $50
Location: Artichoke Music, 2007 SE Powell Blvd
Registration: http://www.artichokemusic.org/reg/registration.php?class=2046
More about Danny Barnes: http://dannybarnes.com/
Monday, June 11, 2018
New Fastback recordings! St Anne's Reel, Cherokee Shuffle, Whiskey Before Breakfast, Billy In the Lowground, Dixie Hoedown, and Gold Rush
- Billy In the Lowground
- Cherokee Shuffle
- Dixie Hoedown
- Gold Rush
- St Anne's Reel
- Whiskey Before Breakfast
Now you can practice these tunes to a faster backup!
Look for these added MP3s to the tunes on our Music page. Happy pickin!
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Greg Stone's List of Recommended Bluegrass Festivals
Goldendale Pickers Festival
June 3, 2016 - June 5, 2016
$10 gets you ten million stars — and all the genuine old time, country and bluegrass music you can carry. It also gets you camping for the weekend. The festival is free to anyone not camping.
Join a group of music lovers who have reserved Ekone Park in Goldendale, Washington - June 3 through June 5 - for an informal weekend-long picking party. You are welcome at the park anytime after 10 a.m. Friday, June 3, and you can stay until 10 a.m. on Monday.
There will be some informal concerts and an open mic — and all the jamming you can imagine. Plus Goldendale is a lovely, welcoming community — featuring a fabulous observatory.
Have questions? Email clairell@aracnet.com. See you there!
Wheeler County Bluegrass Festival Fossil, OR.
Thursday, July 5th to Sunday, July 8th
Did I say HOT!! Yes. This festival is hot…I mean really hot…up to 100 degrees on some days. But I think the heat is well worth it. I complain the whole time I’m there but this festival always holds my
fondest memories of the summer. There is a parade on Friday, a car rally all weekend with an Elvis impersonator. The main stage is at the Courthouse lawn which is nicely shaded. The root beer floats at Big Timber are to die for as well as the steak dinners across the street at RJs. I recommend you throw an inflatable wading pool in the back of the car before you leave town for this one.
Columbia Gorge Bluegrass Festival, Stevenson WA.
Thursday, July 26th through Sunday, July 29th
This is the largest festival of the year in this area. Lots of national acts on the big stage, a beer garden, a dance hall, workshops, food and instrument vendors. The view of the gorge from this location in the
fairgrounds is spectacular. Plus there is a sizable pond for canoeing or kayaking. Reservations for big RVs and camping need to be made well in advance. It’s windy folks. Stake all your stuff down, including the kids and dogs. My 10X10 canopy was half way to Idaho before I caught up to it a few years back.
Winlock Picker’s Festival Winlock, WA.
Friday, August 3th through Sunday, August 5th
This small and very friendly festival is located in beautiful Winolequa Park. This is one of the best jamming festivals especially if you are new to the scene. The snack bar serves a basic breakfast and sells hot dogs and hamburgers. The train tracks just on the other side of the trees are long and straight and the trains are fast. The jingle, rumble and the roar provide a nice back up rhythm if you are singing or snoring in A flat.
Mount St. Helens Bluegrass Festival Toledo, WA.
Thursday, August 9th through Sunday, August 12th
I gotta say this is one of my favorite festivals. It’s located on the High School grounds, there is wide open lawn and beautiful oak groves to camp under. You have to get there early to find a spot under the oaks. There are band scrambles, a gospel show on Sunday, workshops and a snack shop. Showers too. You will probably get a friendly visit from the General, the man in charge, driving his golf cart through the festival grounds each day.
Tygh Valley Jamboree Tygh Valley, OR.
Thursday September 27th to Sunday September 30th
The finale festival of the season, this one is special for that reason and also because it is located in a beautiful valley in central Oregon surrounded by rocky buttes with clear skies at night and a billion stars. Settle in under the locust trees for some of the best jamming of the summer. Bring ear plugs if you want to get any sleep that weekend. Big RVs need to reserve a space well in advance.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Mountain Honey at Butteville Store this Saturday!
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Taborgrass Graduation Party this Saturday, May 19th at 10AM
The graduation program will start at 10am for both classes and the day will end at 1pm. There will be time for jamming I promise. Food and drink will be provided.
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Steeplegrass Reunion Festival, Sunday May 20th Noon to dark!
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Taborgrass 2018 Spring Concert Notes
Monday, April 30, 2018
Last Open Mic Night of the year is this Friday!
Open Mic Night will resume in October.
We encourage everyone to join in this fun event. We welcome all music genres, as well as spoken word and comedy.
Jamming and pizza starts at 6:30 pm and performances begin at 7:00 pm.
We have a sound system and mics available. Greg and Linda will be on hand to back up performers. Sign up in advance with Linda or sign up at the door.
Cheer on your friends!
Suggested donation is $10.
St. David of Wales Church
2800 SE Harrison Street
Portland, Oregon
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Taborgrass is looking for a new home on the range!
We need one large room, a kitchen and four break out rooms for jamming.
Please be on the look-out for a new location. If you know of a suitable venue, please see Greg or Linda to share information.
We will be at St. David’s through the end of May 2018.
Taborgrass will resume in October in our new location. Stay tuned to get all the details.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Taborgrass Night at Multnomah Grange #71!
Saturday, April 14th. Jamming starts at 5:30pm and the show starts at 7pm.
Mountain Honey will start the show, followed by class performances and then
a variety of band sets from Taborgrass alumni. We hope you all can join us.
DIRECTIONS: Multnomah Grange Hall #71 is located at:
30639 SE Bluff Road
Gresham, OR 97080
SE Burnside and Powell intersect and form Hwy 26 to Mt. Hood in Gresham.
Shortly after that intersection turn left on Orient Dr. and travel east
towards Sandy. Orient will veer to the right and Bluff Road will go
straight. Follow Bluff Road and look for the Grange Hall on your left.
MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/vtMeSMKe4nP2
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
This week at Taborgrass!
Afternoon; Gold Rush, White Dove
Jammers; Ashes Of Love, Shucking The Corn
Presiding; Patrick Connell, Julie Schmidt
Key; No more assigned keys
Taborgrass Night at Multnomah Grange #71 5:30pm Jamming, 7pm Show
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Open Mic Night is this coming Friday! Only two more left!
This is the second to last Open Mic of the year so please plan on attending if you can.
Jamming and pizza starts at 6:30 pm and performances begin at 7:00 pm.
We have a sound system and mics available. Greg and Linda will be on hand to back up performers.
Sign up in advance to perform, or sign up at the door.
We hold Open Mic Nights on the First Friday of each month - October through May.
Cheer on your friends! Suggested donation is $10.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; Long Journey Home, Cherokee Shuffle
Afternoon; Salt Creek, White Dove
Jammers; Lonesome Moonlight Waltz, Shady Grove
Presiding; Annie Staninec, Reed Stutz
Key; E
Open Mic this Friday night, 6:30pm
Monday, March 26, 2018
This week at Taborgrass!
Morning; Long Journey Home, Cherokee Shuffle
Afternoon; Salt Creek, My Little Georgia Rose
Jammers; Over The Waterfall, Think Of What You've Done
Presiding; Kaden Hurst, Patrick Connell
Key; D
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Banjo Workshop with Mike Eisler This Saturday!
Monday, March 19, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; Nine Pound Hammer, Cherokee Shuffle
Afternoon; Dixie Hoedown, My Little Georgia Rose
Jammers; Monroe's Hornpipe, White Dove
Presiding; Mike Eisler, Dave Elliott
Key; C
Soup; Christine
Banjo Workshop at Taborgrass with Mike Eisler 11:30am
Mountain Honey at O'Connor's Wednesday 7pm.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Vocal Workshop with Linda Leavitt and Sessions with Kaden Hurst this Saturday!
Saturday, March 17th at 11:30am. Experience the joy of singing as Linda has
some fun exercises for your voice and discovering ways to find your range
and harmonies. This workshop is very popular, so come early. Cost is $10.
And also a quick reminder that mandolinist Kaden Hurst will be at
Taborgrass this Saturday to perform and lead a Session. Kaden is a great
player and a fantastic teacher; whether you play mandolin or something else,
he's worth hearing.
Here's a video of Kaden performing an original composition by Brian Oberlin
along with fellow mandolinist Jordan Ramsey:
Enjoy and see you Saturday!
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; Cherokee Shuffle, Nine Pound Hammer
Afternoon; Dixie Hoedown, Little Georgia Rose
Jammers; Little Cabin Home On The Hill, Temperance Reel
Presiding; Kaden Hurst
Key; A
Soup; Nora
Vocal Workshop with Linda Leavitt 11:30am
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Fiddle Workshop With Annie Staninec This Saturday 10th!
Taborgrass at 11:30am. Her workshops are very popular, so come early to get
a good seat. Cost is $10.
Annie will also be playing with John Kael for our bluegrass sermon at
12:55pm as Taborgrass is excited to be hosting Whiskey Deaf! Looking
forward to a great afternoon of bluegrass. Please join us! We would love
to see you!
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; Nine Pound Hammer, St. Anne's Reel
Afternoon; Dixie Hoedown, Rose Of Old Kentucky
Jammers; Forked Deer, My Little Georgia Rose
Presiding; Annie Staninec, John Kael
Key; G
Fiddle Workshop with Annie Staninec at 11:30am Saturday.
Mountain Honey Duo at International Hostel Tuesday 7pm
Monday, March 5, 2018
Linda and Greg are playing at International Hostel Tuesday!
Linda and Greg invite you to the International Hostel on NW 19th and Glisen this Tuesday night from 7pm to 9pm in the Cafe. They will be singing some nice harmony duets. We'd love to see you there! Beer and Wine and casual Cafe menu.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Guitar Workshop by Greg Stone on Saturday, Dave Elliot is talent scouting Friday's Open Mic
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Open Mic Night is Friday! Please come and cheer on your friends!
Jamming and pizza starts at 6:30 pm and performances begin at 7:00 pm.
We have a sound system and mics available. Greg and Linda will be on hand to back up performers.
Sign up in advance to perform, or sign up at the door.
We hold Open Mic Nights on the First Friday of each month - October through May.
Cheer on your friends! Suggested donation is $10.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
This Week at Taborgrass!
Morning; St. Anne's Reel, Angel Band
Afternoon; Billy In The Lowground, Rose of Old Kentucky
Jammers; Lonesome Moonlight Waltz, Fireball Mail
Presiding; Steve Blanchard, Matt Snook
Key; E
Soup; Donna M.
Open Mic Friday 6:30pm
Guitar Workshop with Greg Stone Saturday 11:30am
Friday, February 23, 2018
Stanley Brothers play Angel Band, See you tomorrow at Taborgrass!
Sunday, February 18, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; St. Anne's Reel, Angel Band
Afternoon; Billy In The Lowground, Rose of Old Kentucky
Jammers; Monroe's Hornpipe, Keep On The Sunny Side
Key; D
Soup; Steve
Mountain Honey at Fire and Stone Sunday 8th at 6pm, at O'Connors 7pm Wednesday and at Wintergrass OBA Showcase Friday 8pm
Friday, February 16, 2018
Fastbacks Are Here!
Now you can practice these tunes to a faster backup!
Look for these added MP3s to the tunes on our Music page. Happy pickin!
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; St. Anne's Reel, Angel Band
Afternoon; Billy In The Lowground, Rose Of Old Kentucky
Jammers; Little Georgia Rose, Devil's Dream
Presiding; Mike Stahlman, Dave Elliot
Key; C
Soup; Greg S.
Fern Hill at O'Connors Wednesday 7pm
Mountain Honey at Fire and Stone, Sunday 18th 6pm.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; Angel Band, Red Haired Boy
Afternoon; Love of the Mountains, Billy In the Lowground
Jammers; Monroe's Hornpipe, Dark As A Dungeon
Presiding; Matt Snook, Steve Blanchard
Key; A
Soup; Stephen and Libbi
Linda and Greg Duo at Portland International Hostel, Tuesday 6:30pm
Friday, February 2, 2018
Chuck Davidshofer and Chuck Holloway presiding this Saturday!
These well known musicians have been at the top of the local bluegrass scene for many years. Don't miss this opportunity to hear their music and learn from their many stories to tell. Hope to see you at the sessions!
And don't forget Open Mic Night starts at 6:30PM tonight. See you there!
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Open Mic Night is this Friday! Dave Elliott will be attending this Open Mic to scout out Taborgrass bands for his Saturday bluegrass shows!
We have a sound system and mics available. Greg and Linda will be on hand to back up performers.
Sign up in advance to perform, or sign up at the door.
We hold Open Mic Nights on the First Friday of each month - October through May.
Monday, January 29, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; Angel Band, Red Haired Boy
Afternoon; Billy In The Lowground, Love of the Mountains
Jammers; Dixie Hoedown, Don't This Road Look Rough and Rocky
Presiding; TBA
Key; G
Soup; Linda
Open Mic this Friday at 6:30pm
Sunday, January 21, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; Angel Band, Red Haired Boy
Afternoon; Billy In The Lowground, Love of the Mountains
Jammers; Monroe's Hornpipe, Nine Pound Hammer
Presiding; TBA
Key; E
Soup; Mitch
35th Annual Sonny Hammond Memorial Gospel Show, Saturday night 7pm.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
The Oregon Bluegrass Association Sonny Hammond Memorial Gospel Show
- Jericho Road
- Dekum Duet
- Whiskey Deaf
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Monday, January 15, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning Class; Red Haired Boy, I Saw The Light
Afternoon Class; Billy In The Lowground, Love of the Mountains
Jammers; Ragtime Annie, Columbus Stockade Blues
Presiding; Matt Vernon, Zach Bryson
Key; D
Soup; Nora
Mountain Honey at O'Connors Wednesday 7pm to 9pm
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Mountain Honey at Fire and Stone Pizza, this Sunday January 14th!
Monday, January 8, 2018
New Fiddle Tune: Monroe's Hornpipe
Find it on the Music page.
We'll play this in class starting soon.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Open Mic This Friday Night, January 5th!
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
This Week At Taborgrass!
Morning; Red Haired Boy, I Saw The Light
Afternoon; Love Of The Mountains, Clinch Mountain Backstep
Jammers; I Saw The Light, Red Wing
Presiding; Mike Stahlman, Dave Elliot
Key; A
Soup; Dawn
Open Mic; Friday 6:30pm